

Meta is the strongest scumdar. Wifom is the second strongest scumdar.

Friends (2)


4 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 25Objection!
2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 25Explosion!
deletedover 12 years - Please make sure that you have time to play before joining games.
over 13 years
Alright, but when you see you're about to veg, then say nothing and vote.
deletedalmost 14 years
I been around this site for a while and you are top 3 of the worst players I have ever seen play. I am going to go ahead and recommend you stop playing. You may someday realize how bad you are at it and I would hate to have that transfer over to your real life confidence
almost 14 years
+K for gunning, you played great :]
deletedalmost 14 years
-k for joining a ranked game and going afk, then vegging on autowin
almost 14 years
+K for joining my game
almost 14 years

I am Moriarty, thats who my avy is

My Alt is SpiderBoom

Neither of these are true, but they are my test.
almost 14 years
Negged for hammering the kick for no good reason as town. Herp a fucking derp, man.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k for you
almost 14 years
and +k for the game! and for being fair :)
almost 14 years
please dont neg, i pressed wrong button. you know i was right :|. excuse sucks, but its true
almost 14 years
killer is sour grapes about being called out on being maf.
almost 14 years
Thanks One. I don't know if you play that set up a lot, but you really should consider tracker being yakked. Although there is a good chance you did consider that and I am just completely wrong and you made an educated choice (in which case, very good read!). If you did not consider, definately consider it next time!
almost 14 years
+k for being easy to beat in a situation where the BW is all over me. Don't flip your own script so quickly.
almost 14 years
you dont need neg karma to get the bronze ticket, -5 is the minimum needed karma to get it :X
deletedalmost 14 years
You realize you need ABOVE -10 in order to get a bronze ticket?
deletedalmost 14 years Guy was intentionally trying to screw over a ranked game because I was in it and he held a grudge against me from last game. CAme in and immediately started to FoS me because he doesn't read peoples logic and get's upset if you FoS him for being scummy. Pls neg if you can, i will be once i hit 2k lol.