
married to 
part of  family



25 / 25Eye of the Beholder
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
10 / 10I'm Towntelling!

Created Setups

deletedalmost 13 years
accidentally got u mixed up with hurricane so i +k'ed u..... ENJOY :P
deletedalmost 13 years
y u always kill me n1 brah
almost 13 years
B'aaawe it's okay. No need to be too perfect. <3
almost 13 years
wut. You did? LOL.
almost 13 years
The best play ever. That was the most awesomest role swap ever. Great job. I can see how you got 3 trophies. You deserve 10 times more. :D
almost 13 years
HEY!!! ♥ You playing with me tonight?!
almost 13 years
buncha poop if you ask me.
almost 13 years
Hey Brown. I see you have no family. You wanna join mine? The leader is RNB and we are Trofeez Sweep. It's fitting for you since you have 6 trophies, and likely many more to come. Give it some consideration. Trofeez Sweep would love to have you as a family member.
almost 13 years
they cannot rustle the triumverate
almost 13 years
Saale.. fam join karega ya nahi!
deletedalmost 13 years
thanks for apologizing - i'm sorry too. trophy running gets stressful
deletedalmost 13 years
You have like 10 family invites right now haha
deletedalmost 13 years
literally shaking after that game
almost 13 years
Join my fam :)
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
Don't worry babe you're still #1 in my heart!
deletedalmost 13 years
BROWN. I'M SO SORRY. In my anger i really forgot that you were running. I'LL CARRY YOU FOR NOW ON. I PROMISE.
about 13 years
+k'ed, for being the only townie who wasn't clueless.
about 13 years
I see that you have been running the show around here. I am back in training, I am trying to get over a woman, so I play to clear my mind... I usually play drunk though, so my play sucks, derp. I keep my ass in training for the moment, I may never run again actually, my career on epic mafia is officially over. I don't think I will ever find the same enthusiasm again. I see that you still have the spark. See you around.