
New York

People simply don't see the beauty in this game. I think I'm not one of them. Sure, I do want to win, but winning isn't the essence of Epic Mafia. Winning is well observed when a cop/doc/blue successfully scumhunted the mafs, or when the Maf successfully tricked the towns into thinking that the maf is also town, not when maf autokick when the town is undecided. Personally, I don't care about the records (I suck lol, 60% loss) or karma. (neg me all you want, but leave a reason) Good luck, and Have Fun! Keep 'em -K bombs comin'!

deletedalmost 14 years
+k :3
almost 14 years
+k for you, please return.
almost 14 years
+K nublet.
almost 14 years
Learn to lose gracefully, it's just a game.
almost 14 years
out of curiosity, why the random shot at me?
almost 14 years
+k for very nice maf play
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
+k maf partner :)
almost 14 years
+k for awesome scum play. Sorry for the kicking, I usually don't play that way, I just felt like doing something different.
almost 14 years
reading below, have to agree- you can't bitch about kicking. immediately saying negged because you lost is SO lame, grow up or leave the game.
deletedalmost 14 years
What are you apologizing for?
almost 14 years
i even gave you your karma back cause i feel like im picking on a kid here
almost 14 years
"nikoscook 2 days 3 hours
I wouldn't say it's a bannable offence, it's one of those things where people will ask if it's morally right or wrong, but there isn't anything against kicking to force a next day/win in that scenario."

you even have a mod telling you its not against the rules right on your wall
almost 14 years
the mods themselves agree that kicking as maf isnt against the rules. if you cant reach a consensus in your alloted 10 minutes then thats too bad, son
almost 14 years
u r a faget
almost 14 years
i havent asked anyone to neg you if thats what you are implying. not my fault people agree with you being a tool.
almost 14 years
you can only neg people once you derp. all the other negs surely come from anyyone with common sense seeing you spread retarded shit all over my wall
almost 14 years
and you are not even reporting me right. i'll even help you with this so i can laugh in the thread too
almost 14 years
I promise you now friend, I hold no grudges and nor do I neg people. Especially since I have only just been able to pick up the ability to do so! I can't even think or remember a reason why I would want to minus you Dual.
Negbombing is a worser crime than being mafia, and finding out who did it just as impossible if not harder!
almost 14 years
cause mafiosos are the prime example of ethical people