
New York

People simply don't see the beauty in this game. I think I'm not one of them. Sure, I do want to win, but winning isn't the essence of Epic Mafia. Winning is well observed when a cop/doc/blue successfully scumhunted the mafs, or when the Maf successfully tricked the towns into thinking that the maf is also town, not when maf autokick when the town is undecided. Personally, I don't care about the records (I suck lol, 60% loss) or karma. (neg me all you want, but leave a reason) Good luck, and Have Fun! Keep 'em -K bombs comin'!

over 13 years
my first point still stands
over 13 years
i negged you for being a cunt and a terrible doc, actually
over 13 years
i did now
over 13 years
you cant report people for kicking when they are maf you dumpass
deletedover 13 years
over 13 years
+k, man
deletedover 13 years
I wouldn't say it's a bannable offence, it's one of those things where people will ask if it's morally right or wrong, but there isn't anything against kicking to force a next day/win in that scenario.
deletedover 13 years
Sorry, was a little late with a reply. Will send him a small warning now.
deletedover 13 years
Got a game link? It's a bit tedious searching through 3 lobbies, but I'm willing to look into it.
deletedover 13 years
I understand you're a serious player, and didn't mean any serious intent in terms of how the game played out. I gave something less than what it should be (24 hours), but for things like that, it does impact the game considerably, even if it was just a tactic, I have to do this with everyone regardless I'm afraid. Plussed your karma for the question, and I do not think you're a bad player with any intent to gamethrow, but I can't decide suspensions based on character if you get me.
deletedover 13 years
Hi, you've been suspended for fake claiming a role as doctor. Normally this lasts for 24 hours, however as it wasn't meant to be gamethrowing, I've decided to half that. In the future please, claiming Cop as anything town related is normally a very bad idea, as the real cop retracting makes a mess of the game later on.
over 13 years
I get -k-ed for the most BS reasons, I swear.