Thanks whoever kicked that. 3 cop claims on d1, so I dont NL. Sack retracts and before I can put up my NL vote I'm vegged. -50 points and not being able to play for 10 minutes. And people wonder how comp gets such a bad rep.
deletedover 13 years
Your Karma is 47 now. I have contributed 1/47th of that. Happy holiday's
sheeesh sorry, i was disconnected by internet crash -_-
deletedover 13 years
hi! add me :)
deletedover 13 years
HAHA mafia is a bunch of morons that game. The first two times when you were on the noavi they NKed. Then when you outed doc with your save, he tried to kill me! So your last save was actually the only one you made. Oh the irony.