
I'm taking a wee break from games just now, so don't expect to see me around. I'll pop by from time to time just to see if anything's new.

For those of you that don't know me, I'm an experienced player, I play mainly in sandbox due to games being more fun, although I do dip into the other lobbies occasionally.

I will never deliberately suicide or veg in a game, ranked or unranked, sandbox or not. If I do it's probably my computer playing up, so apologies if it does happen.

If I make an alliance with you, for example as mafia and survivor, then I won't backstab, no matter whether it loses me a mass of points or not. I'll behave normally when it comes to alliances, for example if I'm fool and I can joint with the mafia that day, then I will. However I disapprove of conversion roles such as cult that make conversion agreements that allow them to joint before they have a majority, and thus will play no part in such deals.

Also yes I do sometimes neg people in unranked. I'm just cruel like that.

Ah, excellent, Survivor! If I form an alliance with you, I won't backstab you unless it's only our alliance left, in which case I'll try to let the whole alliance know how we're splitting. I will only ever form one 'last two' alliance, so if I make one I mean it!

I have a couple of saved survivor games in the list below if you wish to see my style.

Saved Games

Games which I've either enjoyed or that went well for me or just that I feel are nice to keep. Not enough room for them here, list at:

deletedabout 12 years
Thought of you today... I miss you. ♥ xo.
over 12 years
over 12 years
Thanks Bob! I'll return it soon! :D
over 12 years
Jut got to 2k! +K for you! :D
deletedover 12 years
ikr ! since i suck at ranked & will never reach any HOF or anything for ranked/comp games , i figured i'd try and do the karma route into the HOF instead ! =p ♥
deletedalmost 13 years
woooo ! lmaao , i can't believe its at 2000! xp. ♥
almost 13 years
I was part of the first ever Main Lobby game :')
deletedalmost 13 years
ily. ♥ - kandy.
almost 13 years
+K for awesome host!
about 13 years
+ked for being awesome and for your closed role setups which are good for favoriting for a good version to play.
about 13 years
I have to say, beating half of the semifinalists in the EM Survivor Tourney is pretty impressive! You placed 13th overall! Impressive job,BobSmithIV ,You've been +k'd
deletedabout 13 years
Awh, thanks. (:
about 13 years
Turns out I was friends with the fake you, unfriended him now xD

Anyway good job in that vivor, you were awesome!! I've +K'ed and friended you =D =D =D
deletedabout 13 years
Realized just now that you couldn't have screwed me over either way in that game.
Sorry Bob =[
over 13 years
deletedover 13 years
I dealt with the person impersonating you.
over 13 years
someone is impersonating your account.
over 13 years
I K+ you because now I am able to do it. Thank you.
over 13 years
deletedalmost 14 years
feeling generous.. plus K to you!