
part of  family


I like: ice-cream, cats, ... I don't like: paper cuts, rude people, ... I don't like in Epicmafia: vegs, suicides, trolls My favourite roles: vig, 'nilla, fool

Guise-test: -How can you use 6 identical matches to make 4 equilateral triangles?

-Ask me to talk Dutch, German or French.

If you -karma me, tell me why so I can improve. Karma is overrated anyway.

Remember; it's just a game...

I play Mafia. LIKE A BOSS.

deletedalmost 14 years
+k for pro bg
almost 14 years
Hallo, lmfao je guise test hahahhahha
deletedalmost 14 years
+K ! <3
almost 14 years
haha glad i could help!
deletedalmost 14 years
+k good game
almost 14 years
thanks bro! returned. good luck in comp. LOT more fun than training imo, couldn't go back since i'm here. BTW if you create an alt, it can also play in comp even with 0 pts as long as your main has the ticket, in case you didn't know that.
almost 14 years
Thanks for the games! I don't blame you for my constant dying. I honestly still had a big impact on each game, but it was just not enough. Pvt griefed us very badly and there's not much to do about that.
almost 14 years
Reminding <3
almost 14 years
Duurt allemaal veel langer en je moet veel meer opletten en scum hunten is veel belangrijker, speel ik niet zo vaak. Is wel episch wanneer je het door hebt :D
almost 14 years
Ey :D nice competitive ticket :D en pc is weer gecrashed, kan zelfs epicmafia niet meer aan :/
deletedalmost 14 years
+k'd for using the term "sad panda." That's freakin' adorable.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
Nah, gwn wat dingetjes gedaan xD maar alles text-based lukt, youtube & spellen & bij flash crashed ie -_-
almost 14 years
I'm back! I did not simple walk into Mordor but still, for I have returned!
almost 14 years
Is nie grappig ;/, ik zei zo tegen je van : ik ga nu leren he... En ik ging nog ff op youtube en BAM ineens flipt mijn pc en blijkt mijn grafische kaart of een stekkertje verbrand te zijn... heel erg fijn!!! Dus dat wordt geen competitive lobby voor mij en ook geen epicmafia meer deze weken :'(
almost 14 years
OMFG /ragequit, mijn pc is gecrashed -_- grafische kaart na de haaien, blijkbaar verbrand !!! trolololol -_- leuk zo net voor de vakantie maar ja
almost 14 years
Hater's gone hate eh :d They'll be hatin' like bosses!
deletedalmost 14 years
Okay ;]
almost 14 years
I was so sad when I lost too T_T ... I will +K you for being awesome talk in graveyard/not fail town, just tomorrow when i have points =/ would have today but the fool thing T_T
almost 14 years
+k'd .=)