
New Zealand

x x x x x x


1 / 10Scumhunter
1 / 10Gotcha!
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
over 13 years
almost 14 years
But i got a warning for fakeclaiming roles!
almost 14 years
You are allowed to fakeclaim roles... check the rules violation thread if you want to see the rules.
almost 14 years
Why am i not allowed to fake claim? so i guess im losing everygame im mafia ): Other people fakeclaim!
almost 14 years
This is a warning for gamethrowing/ fake claiming roles. More reports on you will result in a sterner warning.
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
Thank you! +k back for being such a good sport :D
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
+ for request
almost 14 years
Well played, remind me to +k you for a smart, sensible play that almost made town win even though the vig made us lose it...
almost 14 years
It's fine, good job in that game.
almost 14 years
thanks for add
almost 14 years
+4K good fool
almost 14 years
Sorry I bailed on that one game, but I made sure to leave before it actually started so it wouldn't be a veg. There were trolls in there that I don't want to deal with in ranked.