Morgan tried to blitz a no-lynch on D3 where it was effectively lylo, him doing so confirmed him as mafia. Him being mafia and the game not ending means that Shini was confirmed town. Shini/Nice visiting the loudmouth D1 and only them visiting and Shini being town confirms Nice as mafia. The game was easily won if you had used logic just a tiny bit.
Awesome! Breaks sound nice right now :p I have about 2 more months before anything of the sort, and even then I'll be studying for college tests and shtuff. But life's going well and now that Spring is here, I can finally get some fresh air! :)
deletedabout 12 years
Hi Esteban!!!!! :D Long time no see. You have one of the best avis on EM! lol How've you been?
I definitely owe you an apology for that game, I dunno if we won, i left, somethign glitched, but I owe you one, i had thought GS had claimed, and i forgot about guns, etcetc, i was tired and messed up, sorry, truly!