
        fucking A


10 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 10Gotcha!
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
about 13 years
I did not neg you! but if i did I would be man enough to say so! here you go +K!
deletedabout 13 years
hey bro :D hope youre liking emaf!
about 13 years
I am around every night good sr. either as YYAH or innovateur. I play 3 set ups: classic, the one with the vig and no fool or the one with the fool. That is it.
U can fight me there. I am on eastern time. I ll be playing starting mid night.
about 13 years
oh you are my family, didn't realize, well I +k you for pro vig.
about 13 years
I misclicked my good friend while updated the achievements on the family page. Please re-accept the invite. Thank you.
about 13 years
Family +
about 13 years
I plussed you on my main ass well.
about 13 years
plussed for family
about 13 years
I invited you to the family. My family is not based on points, so I don't care that you have under 2k right now. You have mad achievement for a noob so I see the potential. I like activity in the family. One reason I might remove someone is for inactivity. Welcome to the family. We have a little competition going on between us, check out the statement. See you soon.
about 13 years
Thank you for addin me.