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Guise test hint: Who played A_ _ _ _ T _ / _ R _ _ N _ on Season 1 of 24?

Hall Of Fame

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/639037 (Mafia makes a comeback and pulls it off after Hooker is lynched on D1 with no N1 night kill)

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/628379 (Selfish fool that doesn't want to joint with mafia gets taught a lesson)


Hall Of Shame

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/634589 (It's LYLO. One player is confirmed mafia, and another is scummy as heck and obviously buddying with them. Village idiots end up lynching the only confirmed clear still alive)

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/662526 (Mafia claims cop ... and claims to have an inno on his CC. Whoops!)

over 12 years
+k for the sexy Tiramisu Deck
almost 13 years
+k'd to 33.
almost 13 years
+k to 32, please return
almost 13 years
+k, dunno if you're the guy who +K'ed me.
almost 13 years
+k'd you
almost 13 years
generic K speech to make it not look like karma whoring :D
almost 13 years
dat +k, its all for you, bro
deletedalmost 13 years
+K'd you
deletedabout 13 years
Are you a fan of Tyler Posey? Just wondering.
over 13 years
Misread report :|, lynching doc (me) d1. Not gonna -k though, as we didn't lose.
over 13 years
tyler! i'm back on EM :D i'm guessing you're the one who's been playing MasonCop MealCombo? masoned out to lead RL + make list (but only mason if RL flips jan) seems to work well... anyway, hope to catch you around one of these days!
over 13 years
+k for sticking to sweet setup!
over 13 years
returned my brothah
over 13 years
It's been a great few games. I probably won't see you for a long time, though. :<
over 13 years
we missed each other somehow! about to make a new room, if you're still around.
over 13 years
play with you again sometime soon
over 13 years
over 13 years
I rated up your setups/role and +k'ed you to 10 karma.
over 13 years
Returned. :)
over 13 years
Sure thing.