
part of  family
475wins374losses37left Won as Orc and played perfectly. Called all the maf on day one. SWAGshot. Standard stuff. Probably the best roleswap on the history of the site. Everybody completely mindfucked.


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
19 / 20Do No Harm
9 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
9 / 10Scumhunter
7 / 10Gotcha!

Created Setups

over 13 years
I plused your setup, more because I enjoyed it rather than for any particular karma gain.
over 13 years
sorry for that kick, i really needed to sleep, anyways, I like your setup
over 13 years
Upped your setup
over 13 years
Do NOT report games in progress.
deletedover 13 years
You did not play well in With a ml you didnt lynch between ccs and you were the clear. I have negged you. The only reason im upset is cause that was autowin and u should of had doc on me. Ah duh
over 13 years
really sorry i vegged. have som k to make up for it.
over 13 years
you were reported for trolling in . For your first violation, you will receive a 1 hour suspension
over 13 years
You were reported for fake claiming in . First violation of fakeclaiming gives you a 24 hour suspension
over 13 years
did the survey but i don't want the +k. i just wanna know what it's for. o:
deletedover 13 years
What's your survey for
over 13 years
Did the survey
over 13 years
Interesting survey, what's it for?
over 13 years
Did the survey
over 13 years
Survey Completed.

I should inform you, though, that I use both school computers and a small, eee laptop, so things like, "are you satisfied with your current keyboard layout" depend on which I am referring to.
over 13 years
Did the survey, dont plus please thats just cheap. But please tell me what it's for :3
deletedover 13 years
Filled the survey out.
over 13 years
Done survey.
over 13 years
did your survey
over 13 years
did survey dudie :)
over 13 years
I did the survey :D