
summer's in the air and baby heaven's in your eyes
in love with 



anonymousabout 11 years
Biggest cunt I've seen on this site yet. Get hit by a bus.
LOL who are you
about 11 years
Are you her? Or did you happen to know her? (I havent been on in a year and a half)
Haha no i'm not her. but yes we were friends and she was always super sweet to me
about 11 years
DIDYOU know someone by the name of xKandy?
i did :)
anonymousabout 11 years
Stupid cunt whore.
i know right
over 11 years
hi why are you so amazing?????????????????????????
because i have you babe :)


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 20He's Batman
2 / 20Clint Eastwood
about 11 years
u were on for like 2 seconds bbbbbbbb
about 11 years
no ur better cuz u were on first plz
about 11 years
Um I love you so much more or something like that
about 11 years
Well I guess I did the same thing or something like that :)
about 11 years
I love you my wife and just wait I will have more points than you ;)
deletedabout 11 years
working through the summer sucks and gives me little time to be online anymore. =[ how are you darling? I miss you too. <3
about 11 years
deletedabout 11 years
You are absolutely amazing because you knew the song in my profile. Ily. ♥
about 11 years
so hi i just want everyone to know that this user is amazing and i love her so much okay thank you bye
about 11 years
you stole my husband :'[
no hard feelings tho
over 11 years
Yeah omg why are you so amazing?!
over 11 years
hi i love you too
deletedover 11 years
Soda17 and Tygerz- Cutest Couple 2013
over 11 years
You need to get on skype more often because I miss you
over 11 years
omg have u seen that new bitch beyrz
over 11 years
ily tygy
over 11 years
You're so bad at epicmafia you made my dog cry.
over 11 years
Hey gorgeous<3
deletedover 11 years
You're beautiful ~ ♥
over 11 years
still waiting for that confession