
summer's in the air and baby heaven's in your eyes
in love with 



anonymousabout 11 years
Biggest cunt I've seen on this site yet. Get hit by a bus.
LOL who are you
about 11 years
Are you her? Or did you happen to know her? (I havent been on in a year and a half)
Haha no i'm not her. but yes we were friends and she was always super sweet to me
about 11 years
DIDYOU know someone by the name of xKandy?
i did :)
anonymousabout 11 years
Stupid cunt whore.
i know right
over 11 years
hi why are you so amazing?????????????????????????
because i have you babe :)


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 20He's Batman
2 / 20Clint Eastwood
deletedalmost 12 years
returned ! xo
almost 12 years
+Ked cause ur mw's lover xD
almost 12 years
Whoops sorry, I messaged the wrong guy xD Thanks anyways! Also some dumbass town never gave kudos, what a prick T_T
almost 12 years
http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1419571/review I know you were mafia and I was town, but considering I turned an autolose into a win - I think I should get kudos.... missing 1 vote!
deletedalmost 12 years
+k'd for awesomeness
almost 12 years
deletedalmost 12 years
opened your tumblr, you have a wonderful taste for music. +k'd
almost 12 years
Uhh, why aren't we friends?:P
about 12 years
+K for the lulz
deletedabout 12 years
Like always, I miss you. :( I need more estrogen in this sea of testosterone I usually play with!
about 12 years
+ bitch! <3
about 12 years
+k cuz we wre in game u were good
deletedabout 12 years
mhmm , she's so pretty. ♥ victoria's secret . & it's hilarious that not even actual men on the site know who she is.. says a lot ! LOL.
deletedabout 12 years
♥ candi swanepoel .
about 12 years
y e a h ?
deletedabout 12 years
Just felt the need to stop by and say hello! You're a beautiful person inside and out. <3
deletedabout 12 years
heeeeey. i miss you. <3 it sucks I can't give you more karma too.
about 12 years
+k'd because because reasons.
about 12 years
Thanks, Tygerz! K'd you, and you were a blast to play with as well! :D
about 12 years
hey baby <3 i gave you your first sticker ;) maf bc ur bad- but your really good at being bad in the best way possible ;) I love you baby <333