
I play guns and hookers in real life!
United Kingdom
part of  family

I Won Gold - 49 28/01/12



over 8 years
Hi m8
Hey bud!


20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20He's Batman
10 / 10Scumhunter
10 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedalmost 13 years
Congrats on gold!!
almost 13 years
Congrats. Seeing an unknown player win gold who doesn't suck is great.
almost 13 years
bring it home baby
almost 13 years
Rooting for you. I'm sorry that you appear to have lost some games today but you can still take it home!
deletedalmost 13 years
Good job on the win.
deletedalmost 13 years
Aww ): Maybe just have it up for the joke day to see what people think of it, and then if it's good enough you can comp it or pick a different set-up? I think that's what they did with the Crier set-up.
almost 13 years
You got this shit in the baggg. Bring it on home, boiiiiiiiiii!
almost 13 years
Lol, I got totally carried today. I didn't make it past N2 in any of the games I played today.
deletedalmost 13 years
We're testing it ranked now
deletedalmost 13 years
It's gotten a fair bit of plusses now! =o
deletedalmost 13 years
Heya, since you're pretty much definitely getting a trophy (unless you screw up extremely badly, which is highly unlikely), I thought I might just show you this set-up I made as a possibility for one of the set-ups you might add?

It's a more modern TEO, with newer roles and will make for much more interesting play. Good luck in your running ^_^

(I was going to send you a PM, but couldn't because you're in a game)
almost 13 years
if you win, you know who to dedicate it to!
almost 13 years
Best player ever! UR A GOD, and im ur son (not jesus, a better son)
almost 13 years
Nope not too late to sign up. I am closing registration though cuz I think I have too many people haha XD
deletedalmost 13 years
Sorry to disappoint but I'm running and winning.
almost 13 years
Ya I think they will suspend me
almost 13 years
Lols. I don't know how we've managed to avoid each other. Hopefully we we're both up there. Lost my first game today, we'll see what happens though :O good luck babe.
deletedalmost 13 years
You're winning gold and it will be fantastic.
almost 13 years
AHHH. Keep it going, mannnnn! This is excitinggg. <33
deletedalmost 13 years
I actually might have had you +k'ed before that, but the point still stands.