

I am a Teapot. This is my spout. I am used to brew a delicious refreshing beverage.

I have a tendency to suffer from sudden bouts of procrastination lasting anywhere from a few weeks to the rest of my life. This causes me to disappear of the face of the earth at random times.

I did it once, and I'll probably do it again.

I don't do Guisetests. I don't do the Copying of reports and meetings. I don't do meta at all. Frankly, I find it distasteful. It makes sense, sure, to have a codeword. But identify me based on speech patterns and mannerisms.

When nobody notices I've been guised, I die a little inside.

I'm the worst person to have as safe in 3 way LYLO. I severely, severely hate being the last mafia If I'm a non-killing one. I may or may not just surrender because fuck it's annoying.

Currently on rebound count: 3.

And from the depths of the internet I rise again! AGAIN! For some reason. Who knows how long this time will last?

about 12 years
about 12 years