
married to 
part of  family

Guise test me on DrSeuss.

over 11 years
+k'd(: return? <3
over 11 years
+ked bro
almost 12 years
+k cause I can
almost 12 years
negged for cheating and glitching with DrCirno. In sandbox, but still. kinda ruining it.
almost 12 years
+k for that death message.
deletedalmost 12 years
Stop messing with Teddy.
almost 12 years
it's sandbox. who cares? calm yo titties.
deletedalmost 12 years
Please do not say that to Teddy. Teddy does not want to do that to himself. If you have bad things to say, don't comment them on Teddy's profile.
deletedalmost 12 years
Teddy was convinced to stay by loving friends! Teddy loves you! Teddy loves everyone... No matter what. <3
almost 12 years
Idiot, and married to a man. I bet you're fucking yourselves everytime ;)
deletedalmost 12 years
How's that laxative working for you? Did your lower region decide to loosen up by any chance?
almost 12 years
must defeat christopher
almost 12 years
Omg plussed to 12 I didn't plus you before :O
almost 12 years
http://www.epicmafia.com/report/34685 - just an fyi, forcing a draw when not presented with an autolose situation is considered gamethrowing. you're getting off on a technicality here since yours and shivv's votes were so close together.
almost 12 years
I'm sorry Celt for kicking you, All I saw was "suiciding" and last game you did then I kicked you and saw you said "No." :(
deletedalmost 12 years
Returned. :)
about 12 years
+k'd! That game was fun. :D
about 12 years
k'd to 8 return plz
over 12 years
Happy birthday!