Hi, I'm ChristophVMP. I see you've stumbled on to my profile, which is like spotting a live wolverine (it's pretty damn awesome).
As you can tell, my first name is Christoph, and VMP is just a acronym for my long, German last name (I also speak German).
I'm always up for being +k'd. If you +k me for any reason, chances are Imma +k you back. If you -k'd me, you are obliged to tell me why.
![enter image description here][1]
Flippier999 is my friend in real life, so there's a reason if you see us play and we have great chemistry.
In case of being disguised, feel free to ask or to talk to me about anything relating to: Pokemon, Adventure Time, 90's Music, or cartoons in general. If I can't afford to answer those or type with correct grammar, then lynch me and call me names.
K, that's my profile. I now leave you with a bunch of bands/artists I like.
If you can't get enough of this loveable hunk of man, you should add me on Tumblr and Deviantart and Steam.
Steam: ChristophVMP
Watch these games:
Me winning because I had bread: http://www.epicmafia.com/game/940849
What a twist!: http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1098900
<a href="http://www.reliablecounter.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.reliablecounter.com/count.php?page=www.epicmafia.com/user/144679&digit=style/plain/5/&reloads=0" alt="free stat counter for website" title="free stat counter for website" border="0"></a><br/><a href="http://www.reliablecounter.com/zh/3d-shadow-hit-counters.php" target="_blank" style="font-family: Geneva, Arial; font-size: 9px; color: #330010; text-decoration: none;">My ego is out of control.