

Hi I'm Amy Sapphire. I like sharks.

Add me as a friend, I love friends :3

Here’s to the kids.

The kids who would rather spend their night with a bottle of whiskey & Patrick or Sonny playing on their headphones than go to some vomit-stained high school party.

Here’s to the kids whose 11:11 wish was wasted on one person who will never be there for them.

Here’s to the kids whose idea of a good night is sitting on the hood of a car, watching the stars.

Here’s to the kids who never were too good at life, but still were wicked cool.

Here’s to the kids who listened to Fall Out Boy and Hawthorne Heights before they were on MTV… and blame MTV for ruining their life.

Here’s to the kids who care more about the music then the haircuts.

Here’s to the kids who have crushes on a stupid lush.

Here’s to the kids who hum “A Little Less 16 Candles A Little More Touch Me” when they’re stuck home, dateless, on a Saturday night.

Here’s to the kids who have ever had a broken heart… from someone who didn’t even know they existed.

Here’s to the kids who have read The Perks of Being A Wall Flower & didn’t feel so alone after doing so.

Here’s to the kids who spend their days in photo booths with their best friends.

Here’s to the kids who are straight up smart asses & just don’t care.

Here’s to the kids who speak their mind.

Here’s to the kids who consider screamo their lullaby for going to sleep.

Here’s to the kids who second-guess themselves on everything they do.

Here’s to the kids who will never have 100 percent confidence in anything they do, and to the kids who are okay with that.

deletedabout 9 years
Hi I'm Amy Sapphire. I like sharks.

Add me as a friend, I love friends :3Hi I'm Amy Sapphire. I like sharks.

Add me as a friend, I love friends :3Hi I'm Amy Sapphire. I like sharks.

Add me as a friend, I love friends :3Hi I'm Amy Sapphire. I like sharks.

Add me as a friend, I love friends :3Hi I'm Amy Sapphire. I like sharks.

Add me as a friend, I love friends :3Hi I'm Amy Sapphire. I like sharks.

Add me as a friend, I love friends :3
deletedover 12 years
Hey babe thanks for game throwing for me, I'll send you the cocaine now xx
deletedover 12 years
over 12 years
The fuck is this bullshit?
deletedover 12 years
Your bio describes a kid, a kid can never be respectable by definition.
deletedover 12 years
Nice bio