
  • Guise test: Dubstep, classical music, indie, ambient, post rock, trip hop, foreign, rap, jazzy hip hop, etc.
  • Skins, misfits, grimm, orphan black, teen wolf. Pretty much can answer anything there is to know about those two shows.
  • I know a whole lot about K-Pop, K-Rap.
  • I play without subjectivity. And I'll judge fairly.
  • Also... I use correct grammar and spelling, if that helps with anything.

Legit haven't been on since 5 years ago apparently. Hi world.

  • 9/26/18


13 / 20Super Sleuth!
9 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 10I'm Batman.
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
over 12 years
+k for king me
deletedalmost 13 years
Sorry I went for dinner. Do you have msn?
almost 13 years
Thanks, returned! (:
almost 13 years
+k cuz i feel like i grief u
almost 13 years
plus you ;) that was a really cool game!
almost 13 years
Hi, this is PunctuatedPete. I really appreciate your grammar and capitalization, you played really well and I'm happy how we did in that game. We should play again sometime.
almost 13 years
+ked for being my mafia partner :)
almost 13 years
ur a good sport. Plus k'ed.
almost 13 years
sorry man, strategy didnt work
almost 13 years
I like your avi <3
almost 13 years
Sometimes people are really dumb as shit, though, and you just gotta let 'em have it. Belittle them, and maybe they'll remember not to make the same mistakes again. It's not a perfect science, but sometimes it works. Anyway, +k for your lobby wall post.
almost 13 years
+k'd. Please return when you get 2000 points, thanks.
almost 13 years
even though you lost, you were still a damn good cop! even if koishi didn't think so. +k. :)
almost 13 years
Well played, U were one of the best oponents I have ever had. (can't +K cuz U don't have 10 games yet, but I will)