
      I'm perfect.
about 7 years
about 14 years
i give you karma cuz they were all asshats.
about 14 years
That just isn't good enough! The test was so weak that she could have GUESSED the answer to it! She probably DID guess the answer; it was blatantly obvious. You literally just had to take a few seconds to think calmly and logically, but when you had your chance, you showed yourself to be stupid and impulsive; an exemplar of the silver tier community, it would seem. You can continue to fight it; point is, you have clearly revealed your mental capacity as a player and your (lack of) abilities to see through the most basic deceptive tactics and strategies.
about 14 years
How dare you class that as effort! You gave someone a guise test which had already been answered SEVERAL times previously in the game (and even then was extremely weak); failed to test the other member of the game; lynched incorrectly and lost the autowin. Losing an autowin does not constitute 'effort'. I find your response shameful.
about 14 years
>Claims perfection
>Admits stupidity

Also, I am not expecting you to be stunning. But making an effort would go a long way. You either don't, or can't. You decide which.
about 14 years
Mmmhm ofc, you've just had bad teams constantly. Not that you don't even bother to think or anything...
about 14 years
"I'm perfect." The rest appears to be fine.
about 14 years
-k for losing autowin stupidly; please edit your bio.
about 14 years
+K for magical wizard black mage powers.

Homefront's engrossing vision of the future and gratifying competitive multiplayer outweigh its squandered potential and workaday game mechanics.
about 14 years
tbh I called you an idiot in an attempt to towntell. +k, you played well.
about 14 years
-K for being a retard in lynching the only person who was actually helping town.
about 14 years
Whoops. Sorry for the negative karma dude.
about 14 years
Guys, Tioga was disconected. +k to heal the negative k
about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
+k'ed to 26
about 14 years
+k for you.
about 14 years
+'d, return plox
about 14 years
+K :D
deletedabout 14 years
Ty! +k :D