HELLO FOLKS! This is MooseGonnaMoose, the same one you knew and loved from before!
Please understand that Moose always claims Moose, no matter what! There is no such thing as Doctor Moose, Cop Moose, or any other kind of Moose. I AM MOOSE.
The best way to guise test me is just ask me to claim. If I claim anything other than plain ol' Moose, then please kill me! Because I'm a bastard.
Also! My will ALWAYS says "Moose here!" followed by something unhelpful, such as "Being a Moose." or "Moosin' about!" If it EVER says something that could be considered helpful, please consider it forged.
HAVE A GOOD DAY! I know I'm gonna!
<(Current Moose Bro List)> LucidCharade PrimeIntellect EarlNimbud Groose