
New York

Banned in EM


anonymousover 11 years
No one likes you. Go away.
cool story... anonymous!
anonymousover 11 years
Why are you such an over-bearing person?
why are you such a coward Anonymous?
anonymousover 11 years
lol nobody likes you
my parents would agree
anonymousover 11 years
Why do you live in your mom's basement, eat potato chips all day, have no job, and are an overall loser?
Free shelter and no responsibility makes me a loser? Sounds like I am winning!
anonymousover 11 years
lol on your main account you are even more shit AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH jesus fuck go to the learn tab you pathetic POS
being called pathetic from an anonymous question... dat EM logic.


1 / 10Governator!
1 / 25Explosion!
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
over 11 years
"new strategy. Make friends with a mod. Accuse anyone who FOS you of grudging. get them suspended instantly even though other reports are open for hours. Its there fault for not having friends as mods! "

It's dispicable this kind of behaviour. I got a violation last week for "isp" in a game where I just flat out lost.. jkp was so butthurt he filed a report and got his mod friend kylehlp123 to file it right away. There was no violation. Disgusting behaviour.
over 11 years
over 11 years
+k'ed to 43 karma
over 11 years
You're fucking awesome. Can I eat you out?
over 11 years
sorry, i clearly fucked up hard, i thought i was shooting ironman... i totally missclicked -.-
over 11 years
I just wanted to chime in and say WHY ARE THERE SO MANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS ON THIS GUY?!

I <3 you badreligion :D :D
over 11 years
Day 1 was given hammer between both scum and forced the NL instead. Last day was given hammer AGAIN and sheeped the scum. Player of the year.
over 11 years
+k'd(: return? <3
deletedover 11 years
doesn't matter, tone down the attitude
deletedover 11 years if you repeat that sort of behavior i wont hesistate to give you a hateful comments. calling her an idiot once or twice, thats cool, but going off for the whole end of a game calling someone a fucking idiot, isnt.
almost 12 years
O. Sowwy ._.
almost 12 years
Alright I'm really sorry; what I did in our last game was uncalled for and I really should know better then to spam, let alone swear and yell at people who enforce rules. I'll try not to let that happen again.
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
Dear stupid bitch,
I was lagging. I said that twice.
almost 12 years
I killed you because you accuse me of gamethrowing when you just omgus me right back anyway. You deserved death.
almost 12 years
Can you clarify something? I can't tell if you're anus is sore or not. It's not really clear if you're pissed bro.
almost 12 years
I do NOT like Kesha!!! Take it back!
almost 12 years
That's nice dear. I'm happy for you, having so much experience. Apparently you stopped using your 3 digit account. Could it be because you made so many enemies with your abrasive personality, you had to start fresh?
almost 12 years
Hey , how about you accept the fact that you lost and it wasnt my fault.
almost 12 years
If you want credit for getting everyone to change votes, well done. As for my ego and my arrogance, both are deliberate and cultivated. I've been playing like this for 5 years and it works for me. Deal with it.