Stress can lead to heart attacks and other serious health issues. If the game is affecting you this much you know you should really take a break from the site for a while. I'm just looking out for you is all.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I have no personal vendetta against you. I feel as though your actions in the game I reported you in were influenced by anger and a complete refusal to try to win the game - instead resorting to trolling tactics. As a result, I reported you as to stop you from playing in such a reckless way. Hi, I handled a report recently in which you were accused of trolling & gamethrowing. I read it and concluded that your attitude towards the game showed no intention to win and that coupled with your history and infamously trollish behaviour, I gave you a third GT violation which resulted in a lobby ban. It was pretty quickly appealed by another user so I revisited my decision and concluded that it was totally wrong and reversed it (however it is still to be decided whether you were trolling to a violation-worthy degree). I suspect you were offline during the period of time in which I lobby banned you, but I'm commenting here to officially apologise for jumping the gun, and hope no harm is done.
OMFG I was so fucking nervous, I was like "roses please be mafia, mafia please win, roses be mafia". When I saw mafia win that was epic. P.S: I haven't won bronze already, chooksy can 4/5 snip it P.S.2: Roses must be hating me so bad P.S.3: Those fuckers trying to help Roses so hard P.S.4: You're the best, thank you a lot.