

<><><><><><><> ACHIEVEMENTS <><><><><><><>

11/07/09: Gold Trophy 02/23/10: 20k points 03/21/10: 56% win 03/27/10: Silver Trophy 03/27/10: 400 career wins 03/27/10: Trophy HoF 03/30/10: 700 career games 04/02/10: 57% win 04/13/10: Win% HoF (57.8%) 04/13/10: 25k points 04/21/10: 800 career games 05/15/10: 500 career wins 05/23/10: 900 career games 05/25/10: 30k points 08/04/10: 1k career games 08/26/10: 600 career wins 09/15/10: 35k points 12/01/10: 700 career wins 01/07/11: 40k points


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10Scumhunter
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!

Created Setups

over 12 years
HI =]
deletedabout 13 years
hey jep i kinda love you
deletedabout 13 years
Did you even read the post below? I said I'd quit if Cop was allowed to lynch a fake report. That rule says that Cop is not allowed to lynch a fake report. If you and the mods have your own "secret clubhouse" where you have secret unwritten rules that contradict the public ones, I don't fucking care. I'm done bro, I don't want to hear any more on it.
deletedabout 13 years
You're like a retarded dog with a bone: "Fakeclaiming: When a town player fake-claims a role without retracting AND is either lynched, gets the counter claim lynched, or clears/lynches a fake report.
*Retracting after votes have been locked does not qualify as a full retraction.
*This also includes faking reports as town PR."
deletedabout 13 years
It shouldn't be allowed. Mods shouldn't have their "secret rulebook" that's kept hidden from the general public. But that's a conversation for another day.
deletedabout 13 years
It's not in the rulebook. Congratulations on supporting moderator ability to enforce rules that aren't officially rules. Let's just make it up as we go along, shall we?
deletedabout 13 years
Yeah you seemed confused throughout that entire thread.
deletedabout 13 years
jep is the best player
deletedabout 13 years
Dear Jepstein, since I'm your favourite person on this site you should consider my hand in friendship. Yours, dearly, Super.
deletedover 13 years
over 13 years
Riot told me: "I can't match time of lobby post to time of game" fisrt of all thanks for answering my report. sorry do you have time of game? and i am sure when i leaved that game that massage was on lobby "17 minutes before".
so what happend? panic confimed me on that page i reported slv, panic said: "...slvmecha was dead that entire game".
no one can say he told "meh lets just kill salam at least he doesnt get pts" after game was finished.
anyway thanks for read what i wrote sorry if there is any mistake on this request.
i just wanna say if there is nothing to prove he did that and he don't get banned, anyone will do such things and forexample post a comment: " x and y were mafias" and if someone like me report them they will say no just look at verb "were" i just wanted to say that to someone left game.
so i ask you pls do something. thank you anyway.
over 13 years
hello and thanks for this great site, wish you have nice days dear jepstein30.
i wanted to speak with you about one report on page 522 of "Report Rule Violations Here" topic.

1. slvmecha,
2. Competitive Lobby-Ranked,
3. took a comment on Lobby about game when game was in progress.
4. slvmecha 18 minutes 55 seconds
"meh lets just kill salam at least he doesnt get pts" "

i didn't find Title of the violation but we have this rule in site's rules:
Harsh rules
Rules if broken will lead to a permanent IP ban:
second one: Posting the mafia, or anything game related during an on going game in the lobby is bannable for a ranked game.

on that page when i reported that game panic confirmed that slv commented on lobby when he was dead in game and game was in progress and then we had a lynch on me.
over 13 years
I think maf should be talking about that at night and your partners should be aware of your plan.

I think if people are directly speaking to you and call you out on your lurking, then you should respond, but I think you should be able to lurk as maf for as long as you can get away with it.
over 13 years
I know the situations are rare in which it would help your team if you stayed quiet.

I just think mods should look at the games first and decide whether the person was doing his side a favor and let the person in question defend themself.

As town though, there's no reason not to talk.
over 13 years
can you link me to the discussion about the rule? i'd like to read it.

also, one argument i'd say is that in some cases it would be better for certain players as maf to just keep quiet than to risk making a scummy comment that would expose partners.

and how is the rule enforced? let's say someone lurks during the day, but contributes at night? is that breaking a rule?
over 13 years
wow you are great +K
deletedover 13 years
hey fuck you, if you had actually looked at the few first things said by the two then it was completely obvious that they already knew who they were talking to despite them being village and mafia. Way to be a fail mod and not look into the report. Stop being a lazy fuck.
over 13 years
tried to look at the games, Oaks banned me..
over 13 years
Any News?