
married to 
part of  family

The Black Hawk War, or, How to Demolish an Entire Civilization and Still Feel Good About Yourself in the Morning, or, We Apologize for the Inconvenience but You're Going to Have to Leave Now, or, 'I Have Fought the Big Knives and Will Continue to Fight Them Until They Are Off Our Lands!




anonymousalmost 12 years
test test test
Well this failed
anonymousalmost 12 years
deletedalmost 12 years
Who's your favorite MLB team? And player?
San Diego, Dont have one, we have sucked the past 5 years. Althought I really like Mike Trout.
anonymousabout 12 years
You know that runwithfire girl? Well she said you smell funny.
I do know that runwithfire girl... I guess thats the only question
deletedabout 12 years
What's your real name :3
Kyle of course


9 / 25Objection!
7 / 10Governator!
6 / 25Explosion!
5 / 10I'm Towntelling!
4 / 25It was Him!

Created Setups

over 11 years
KYLE SAVE ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over 11 years
Good. I've been on a losing streak though. This round hasn't mixed well with me lol .
over 11 years
+k to 115 for always being the name associated with my heart refunds. That is way cool in my book! Haha. Please return? :) Thanks!
almost 12 years
Ah. Appearances. Appearances. They be deceiving. XP And yeah, busy, interesting sometimes but there are some subjects I'm required to do that are... much much more tedious. XD I had to sit in on a Local council meeting for a Journalism assignment just recently
almost 12 years
Aw. I missed Slackz. : (

And nice. Happy marriage?
almost 12 years
I don't think I can describe how much I love you boo <3
almost 12 years
Haha. So you are indeed the mod now. XD I want to make a Darth Vader/Obi-wan quote, but I can't think of a proper one.

How's it been going while I was away?
deletedalmost 12 years
awww your avi<333
deletedalmost 12 years
why the hell did you game me ogi violation here, are you an idiot, i was maf, i can say anything to protect my ass, if i were town you would have said that. And you dumbass, did i really reported him for that?? Are you a relative of Hugo???
almost 12 years
im glad you find calling others niggers completely acceptable
almost 12 years
complete garbage mod
almost 12 years
i'm joole's alt.
almost 12 years
Ooooooo Chemistry...I took Biology and I hate it -_- I took no maths or sciences next year though :D Good luck on your exams!
almost 12 years
Hi! I'm ok, I've been super busy finishing school lately :P What's up with you? Everything ok?
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
deletedalmost 12 years
I'm planning to take over EM in exactly 24.36892413 days. That's my diabolical scheme!
almost 12 years
what do you want
almost 12 years
things are looking up - summer of unban is coming.
almost 12 years
To be honest, there are a lot of things I wanna say right now, but I'm never gonna get the chance to say them. I've been feeling cooped up and aggravated, but there's nothing I can really say or do to make it go away. No, these are not weird song lyrics or a poem that's suppose to move you, its just the way I'm feeling right now, and I absolutely hate it. If I act mean or weird to you in the next couple of weeks, just know it's me trying to get through