

Be kind whenever possible. It's always possible..

Fill your mind with compassion

deletedover 11 years
Yes, I do! First I left comp, now I left training. I should probably play a few games. I have an alt I play on in training (when I do) it's "NoAv"
deletedover 11 years
Sorry about your friend. I guess it goes to show that this game is enjoyable.
over 11 years
Im sorry to hear about ur friend. I wish you and ur friends family the best of luck.
deletedover 11 years
oh hey, sup. yeh, i'd love to play
deletedover 12 years
Hey, it's okay, man! They were annoying, lol
over 12 years
Returned! :3
deletedover 12 years
IKR! that dudes real pro, it was epic :P
deletedover 12 years
ive already +k'ed u, but thank you for having common sense!
deletedover 12 years
k, done ;) 500 left for main, i thought main was 2000 xD
deletedover 12 years
thanks man :D i will return ur +k as soon as i can :D
over 12 years
You really reported me? Really??
over 12 years
wow o/
deletedover 12 years
thanks man... a +k for u :)
deletedover 12 years
Yay! :D
deletedover 12 years
I'll miss you, arghh! ;_; Please don't leave!
deletedover 12 years
Fuck, you're a great player, I hope you don't go. K'd up to 30 - long overdue. Hope you stay :D
over 12 years
+kd to 27
over 12 years
+k from the karma tiger. whats a kudos? sorry long time since I played
over 12 years
returned your +k to 24 :D
over 12 years
dude you shouln't have left yo.. to become pro you have to try new setups.