
married to 
part of  family

much love for muffinz




deletedabout 12 years
Do you know how awesome you are? =]
you're literally the sweetest girl I've ever met
about 12 years
if you go on skype
about 12 years
Do you hate me for doing that? :P
i'm not sure what you're referring to, but i'd never hate you!
about 12 years
Does this count? :P
yes it does bud. you're so cute :3
deletedabout 12 years
ilu <3
omg. i miss you so much


20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20He's Batman
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20Clint Eastwood
over 12 years
Lol you really deleted me from your friends?
over 12 years
;____; Change your gender. Get hair implants (do they have those?). GET LONGER HAIR SO I CAN BRAID EET.
over 12 years
Uhm. Grow your hair out? Heh, heh. :3
over 12 years
Yeah, uh. Can you virtually braid each other's hair? I can make a friendship bracelet and then post a picture and then you can make the same one. :P MAKES SENSE, MAYN.
over 12 years
Yesh. I need more bff's. So we should be those. We can get matching friendship bracelets and braid each other's hair and, you know. Do bff things.
over 12 years
Hahah, I suppose so. :3
over 12 years
Psh, of course we are. <3
over 12 years
:) Flattered. Friends? Psh. As if I have any friends ;D
over 12 years
Ew, agreed. Fruit is yummy and sweet, and vegetables are the root of all evil. ;D
over 12 years
Oh, wow. I hate veggers. ;-; Ruining games. Making mafia win. Psh. xD
over 12 years
Lol omg. She made you kill your cc. Did you lose that game? ;P
over 12 years
LOL WOW. People are just so bad. Even I don't hold stupid grudges like those.
over 12 years
Srsly, people. Psh. ;D I bet he/she was just a terrible player. A terrible, impatient player, at that.
over 12 years
Oh, wow, yeah. Negging someone for taking too long to vote. ;D JEALOUSY IS A POWERFUL THING.
over 12 years
Okay, ill get u ur sticker soon. And youre the gay one for judging dat background
over 12 years
Aww. :c They're obviously just jealous of how awesome you are.
over 12 years
<33 Aww, yay. I have a friend. :D
over 12 years
no u! lol uhm yeah you are a good player because I remember playing with you a while back when I actually played ranked. I think. But for whatever reason I feel like I've seen you around a lot recently. Maybe that's just the stalker in me seeing you on the training wall!
over 12 years
Haha sadly yes.... Except when you're withsome awsome friends then it's pretty chill
deletedover 12 years
GAY! :p