
Time Zone: UTC/GMT -5 hours
  • My biggest pet peeve is when someone disguises as me and does not know how to properly use the English Language. Capitalize the first letter of sentences. Use punctuation. Do not misspell simple words. If you can't do that.. I will find you. I will get revenge. I will annoy you!



4 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 25Household Homicide!
1 / 10I'm Batman.
deletedover 12 years
I love you, you're amazing, etc. ♥
deletedover 12 years
I adore you more ♥
deletedover 12 years
You're so cute :3 ♥
over 12 years
over 12 years
Thanks. I k+'d you as well. You played well very in the game and I don't feel mad about being n1'd, don't worry. You should play in competitive more often, you're very good
over 12 years
Returned, it is a shame how rare common sense can be in epicmafia
deletedover 12 years
Aw, don't worry about it, I'll help you out with learning them. :P
deletedover 12 years
Hey, you never know what'll happen! We should run together. :)
deletedover 12 years
Oh hey, you're running. Good luck!
deletedalmost 13 years
we have the same bday(; +K
deletedalmost 13 years
Hey, what's going on?
deletedalmost 13 years
God I haven't talked to you in like forever.
almost 13 years
finally gave you karma
deletedalmost 13 years
Cool :)
I heard you played Gotham City Impostors. I do too!

What level are you?
almost 13 years
when I get enough points, I will +K you seriously. Great player right here.
deletedalmost 13 years
<3 You're my favorite pony
deletedalmost 13 years
People need to stop butthurting and realize that people make mistakes.

Well, I wish I could +k that all back, but I unfortunately can only give you one karma! xD
deletedalmost 13 years
And I <3 Ris too! Also, it appears you got neg bombed D: Who would dare do that to Ris!?
almost 13 years
If Mizz thinks you're worth it, I do, too. +K =] Don't worry about returning.