
last seen 6/10/16
RVA :)
in love with 
part of  family

I <3 JezebelAlli.


FlyBriGuy: kallison said so. so it will be done.


Joined: April 30, 2008




almost 15 years
You are very welcome Katie <3
almost 15 years
+k <3
deletedalmost 15 years
+k for awesome
almost 15 years
Yea. 100% srs imo.
almost 15 years
Negged times 20 for throwing games, gtfo, etc.
almost 15 years
why werent we friends yet slut
almost 15 years
you has a sexy problem dont fix it


almost 15 years
You have an ego problem please fix it.
almost 15 years
Accept my friend request on Facebook!
almost 15 years
So close :( I was rooting for you ~
deletedalmost 15 years
Thanks, sorry you missed out but you were amazing competition. <3
almost 15 years
beat jeff plz
almost 15 years
I <3 you!
almost 15 years
GL with the run katie.
deletedalmost 15 years
heyy <3
deletedalmost 15 years
Love playing with you! Much love, HM <3
almost 15 years
Hey, do you ever go onto the Richmond nightscene?
almost 15 years
I already double plussed you from when you plussed me on LunaBean... but thanks :DDD! Alli and I BOTH live in Charlotte. Woot!
almost 15 years
+K returned. I was actually really disappointed that SMS hammered on me ( I thought I was obv town), but it happens.