I've been playing too much mafia. I just had a dream where I pissed off you and Effulgence, and you negbombed me to -17.
deletedover 14 years
+K for entertaining the shit out of me in the graveyard and really making me think you and Eri pulled off the cleverest stunt ever in the 2 minute night meeting...
You are my inspiration. You are the archetype for how I model my play. You are my greatest competition. You are my Achilles' heel. You are my whispering conscience. You are my calculating gears. You are my lone company. I've had to resort to playing on alts, I don't know how you've lasted this long, but I wouldn't care either way. You made me realize there's always someone better than yourself. I hope I can keep catching games with you. I'm glad you're back and I hope you stay for a while.
Sorry about that fail Evil Mans we just played, I joined for the soul purpose to talk to you. Though I didn't get the chance. I used to do an article for this site, though it died after only two issues due to complications with the forum format. Though I don't do the article anymore I would still love to interview you, or possibly just play more games with you. I study under a lot of players to learn the various ways of playing. Please disregard my win percentage on this account, it is quite terrible but it is my main so I can't help but use it when communicating with other players. I am generally considered to be pretty good, and I would love the chance to study under you!