

Have fun, guys! (^.^)d

Because I think this'll make a nice guise test, I'll write it. I aspire to aspire to aspire to have aspirations. Ask me who my favorite color eats. If I answer anything short of utter nonsense, I am guised. Also, I am a quiet observer.

... Don't silent +/-K, if negging, leave a reason, if +'ing tell me so I can plus you back on my main accnt

UPDATE: I have deleted my old accnt, so now I'll plus k on this accnt only

nirvanaisdope; grifiest, yoyo995, bluestreaking, Anarch (silent neggers, getting returned)


14 / 20Do No Harm
9 / 20Super Sleuth!
4 / 10I'm Batman.
3 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 20Lucky Kiss!
over 12 years
over 12 years
you freak me out... but i think i like it
over 12 years
over 12 years
happy +k day!
over 12 years
+k'ed :)
deletedover 12 years
over 12 years
reminding myself of the faggotry that ensued
deletedover 12 years
+K'd :)
over 12 years
why would you do that
over 12 years
u mad
almost 13 years
returned to -2
almost 13 years
+K for good maf partner.
almost 13 years
I +k'ed you to -3
almost 13 years
+k to 2.
almost 13 years
I returned you to 4
almost 13 years
I didn't neg you lol
deletedalmost 13 years
+k to 3
almost 13 years
Well then I plussed you again on my other alt :)
almost 13 years
psttt, plussed you to 5 from my alt :]
almost 13 years
+k to 4, return plz