
part of 

Best freind Ever "ISAMANTHAI and ItsCathy"

--Nuff said.

I really like play Mafia it's always a hilarious game! I'm a really nice person until mean "trolls" come into the picture. ItsCathy is the best person ever I can't beleive I left her for 6 months! Sorry Cathy! ISamanthaI we have to play a game soon!

Anyways I'm assuming you came to my page to either -K me or +K me, either way I'll still be happy. Oh and if you're mad at me I apologize.

Love you all! Bye! Please keep the reports...

over 12 years
Damn s o m e m e a n p p l
over 12 years
LOL, you cant even recognize good grammar when you see it. Either way, I'm not, and never was fighting with you. I was just letting you know that you're a shitty player. Suiciding for no reason was amusing to me. Not to mention you negged me because of some minor miscommunication that didn't even have anything to do with the game. When I negg you, you'll know because I'll tell you why. It wont be because of something that doesn't have to to do with a game either. xoxo
over 12 years
Oh sure! I'll make Big Brother (It's pretty much the same) this Saturday at... 8pm EDT. Is that okay for you?
over 12 years
+K'd to 2! You sound really nice! :D
over 12 years
I didn't say you owed me anything. But, I think you owe it to humanity to learn how to type correctly. Maybe you should brush up on correct grammar? c: Also, just in case you weren't aware silent negg doesn't mean the other person doesn't know you negged them. It means you didn't SAY why you negged them. xoxo
deletedover 12 years
+k :)
over 12 years
I like that silent negg you gave me, bro. c: And that dumb as shit suicide you now have on your stats. LOL.
over 12 years
+K to 0. :)
over 12 years
+k'ed(: return? <3
over 12 years
Nuff Said!
over 12 years
over 12 years
over 12 years
+K'ed :)
over 12 years
over 12 years
hi there
over 12 years
Dat tree right there outside the window?
over 12 years
+k to you
over 12 years
K+ you <3
almost 13 years
Don't join games if you're going to suicide because you have to "do your hair"
almost 13 years

please kudos me in this game i saved.