It helps distract me from stuff. The I'm thinking to put some of it up on YouTube because I've got so many songs I wanna offload from my head, it's getting a little clustered up there. The lyrics need improving though, they're all about death and stuff... no one wants to listen to that xD
deletedabout 12 years
I liked it because it reminds me of the music I'm currently writing, its a little too fast though ;3 My stuff is a bit slow and more... Whispey, as people have said. That's where I got my nickname for you.
deletedabout 12 years
Wewt, but don't say anything to Arbor or Ichi :D Which song is it? I need some more musics to listen too c:?
>asks luicd to restore account >forgets password gj :P also your still banned dont forget ;)
deletedabout 12 years
Naturally ;3 Us creepy pervs and our 'x's. I like those pics, especially the first one. You inspired me to take up my guitar again ;p (not sure if that's a good thing, my neighbours say it isn't)
I think that would just about make my year. we could so synchtube and watch it. sigh..
deletedabout 12 years
How did you know? ;o maybe it was the 'x' at the end of my last message. I knew those x's would get me caught out someday. Well we are all perv's ;3 in our own special ways