

Im getting rid of scum, one fool at a time.


6 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 25Objection!
about 8 years
about 12 years

Not bad.. but not good enough.
about 12 years
Lol played a sick game and got negged.
deletedabout 12 years
about 12 years
Go back to training scrub
about 12 years
Awesome, another negative when i helped town win, just beautiful.

"You play bad"

Yet i win? What. Sorry that doesnt make much sense.
about 12 years
I got another negative and i was DEAD?

How does.. What. Died N1 and i got negged?

about 12 years

This was a decent game. Went very smoothly.
about 12 years
Ok now this is starting to get out of hand, people if you lose, it is not the fault of one player, IT IS YOUR FAULT. You must take responsibility for your actions, do not blame one person for mistakes that you obviously have made.

Hope you guys arent like this in more important life problems...
about 12 years
Except you're the worst player I've ever seen.
about 12 years
Town is so quick to lynch, without even reading, dont negative me because you dont know how to read people.

For real, read and everything becomes clear, im sure you all went to school, unless you homeschooled yourself and studied in a cave somewhere...
about 12 years
Even more negatives, i know im too good at this game guys, no need to make it any more obvious then it already is.
about 12 years
Its funny cuz you have more losses than wins lmfao. And dat -3 karma.
about 12 years
you're such a bad player. lolol
about 12 years
I like how even when i win i get negative karmaed.

Guy cant even help people win without getting hated on this is pretty sad.
about 12 years
+k'd you twice so it's 1.
about 12 years
I wasn't the host. :/
about 12 years
I dont know who negative karmaed me, but people stay jealous.
deletedabout 12 years
sounds groovy, brotha