

****** Semi Retired due to horrible newbie*****

In case of guised test, I never use bubble in chat.

I considering myself as Androgyny of gender.

I am a Misanthrope and proud of it :3

Kitten is god of guiser >:D :

7/26/10-Rank:8/28-Point:1705 8/7/10-Rank:Unrank-Point:960 8/17/10-Rank:Unrank-Point:890

Highest rank to achieve: Rank 4

Fav Quote <3 :

> "All the it doesn't matter shit is retarded. It doesn't matter because > get a little number with ranked and don't with ranked? > > I play for fun, not a score. Ranked is not fun. Unranked stops being > fun when everyone suicides..end result being that this site is no > longer fun. > > If all you want to do is suicide and troll unranked.. don't play them? -Otherworld > "This thread needs comic relief. This thread needs....Killertu.-Anguish > +"1 Anguish. All threads need a little more killertu. -piecelover > "Love it when people call out lurkers and then point to someone who's > actually been active. > -SCPantera >
> Hey, I'm unbiased too. I negged both of you equally =/ -KoLIdiotstatistics

> "The new players just suck, and when you try to give them advice they > either lynch you or say HURR HURR I PLAYZ FOR FUN, NOT FOR WIN. > -Laexio
> > "I will remove this if there is enough nays. > -Lucidrains > > "The very first things a perfect mod would do is reset matt's karma, > delete devilesk's profile page and permanently mute thodges > -KillerQueen
> > "epicmafia is definitely one of the most fucked up sites on the > internet -Sirius > > "Also killertu, I suggest consulting KHNM before you attempt to use > analogies. He's pretty good at them and may help you create one that > makes sense. -Moses > > People that have quoted me > > Imakuni
> > "he should be tea bag and gagged by my very kock, boo hoo hoo, I'm a > little pussy who need to be wipe and cream-pie all over by big black > cock(By Thodges ;3) >

I believe the person is innocent until proven guilty by the court of citizen!

*This match...

*2.0 Epicmafia

*Someone make a thread about me haha xD Didn't even know...I feel like a wash up celebrity now ._.

> i'll start with a no brainer. killertu is one of the all time greats. > > from get thoses penny away from me to the proclamation that he is "a > bottom [and] enjoys other to protect and dominated me ^.^", killertu > became immortalized through one simple thread on the forums. however, > his constant pillage to disparage gay stereotypes was not only the > indisputably most noble cause EM has ever seen, but. killertu was > among the top five players ever to play in the 2.0 era, and there is > no debating that. > > there are certainly a lot of legendary epicmafia players, whose tales > will have a much longer lifespan than the players themselves. but > killertu's legacy will never die. killertu is epicmafia.

Urmm,it seem this thread I created was pretty popular,I don't know even know why -_-

almost 10 years
+k to 60 :) return? ♥
about 12 years
baby come back
over 12 years
I back.
over 12 years
Thank you :3
deletedover 12 years
+K for being so gosh darn helpful.
over 12 years
killertu, piecelover is my alt lol
over 12 years
Way back in 2.0, man.
deletedover 12 years
Thats what they all say
over 12 years
I miss you too! You really put excitement in the boring epicmafia. It was nice being friends with you :)
deletedover 12 years
Im dominant. lub me <3
over 12 years
"The very first things a perfect mod would do is reset matt's karma, delete devilesk's profile page and permanently mute thodges


deletedabout 14 years
over 14 years
:P Hey cuite!
over 14 years
Hi, Killertu :)
deletedover 14 years
+k! Please Return!
deletedover 14 years
wanna poke badgers?
deletedover 14 years
wanna accept my friend request?
deletedover 14 years
wanna join ma fam?
deletedover 14 years
get on ;(
deletedover 14 years
+k Frosty! Please Return!