
part of  family

Got a silver trophy 02/2013

I used to be on here. Then I wasn't. Now I am

I appreciate criticism. If I did poorly in a game, please let me know. I desire to be better. Please help me by letting me know how i can improve



20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20He's Batman
10 / 10Scumhunter
20 / 25Explosion!
about 12 years
You easily have the worst personality on this site besides Likito3.
deletedabout 12 years
"I appreciate criticism." /......../ You dirty whore, why can't you just THINK??? IS YOUR BRAIN STUPID OR SOMETHING?????
about 12 years
Its tough ya know I really went 3/7 with lyncher win of 10 points. Instead of fighting for gold im fighting for bronze but it happens
deletedabout 12 years
Good luck on your run. You're doing swell! Back4Gold!
deletedabout 12 years
thank you, black :3
about 12 years
+k'd(: return? <3
deletedover 12 years
snow problem.
deletedover 12 years
i'm about to play some jan 2.0, JOIN ME
deletedover 12 years
isn't it weird? oh and PLAY MORE
over 12 years
+k'd you to zero... +k me back
deletedover 12 years
dw about it, dude. that last game we played was my fault anyway.
deletedover 12 years
you are literally one of my favorite people to play against.
deletedover 12 years
Plussed twice because holy fuck you're a genius.
over 12 years
i do what i want. yw
deletedover 12 years
you shouldn't be sad. this is going to sound weird but i was relieved that i lost because you and i hadn't been on the same side for a couple of games, and if anyone deserves to win for their playstyle and how hard they work at a game, it's definitely you. BLACK FOR GOLD!
deletedover 12 years
also i'm sorry it took so long to respond because i read that comment but couldn't reply :(
deletedover 12 years
you should check your inbox because you are my favorite and i SAPPED THE FUCK OUT
deletedover 12 years
no, i was rooting for you! :(
deletedover 12 years
we should play some gai! i have approximately one heart left and provided that we both roll town, THIS WOULD BE GREAT. i think you're one of the best players as town, i've never seen you play as maf though?
deletedover 12 years