
part of  family

Hi folks, I'm taking a hiatus after reaching 100 wins. My temporary home is on the mafiascum forum, modding games and sporadically under the account of Edosurist.

Don't play reverse mafia. That's not a real setup, just point farming.

Don't play fool training. Worst setup ever. It's always maf/fool joint unless someone screws up or maf shoots fool.

Stop emphasizing power roles. It doesn't teach people to scumhunt. Along those lines, stop with the night starts. It makes the town rely on their power roles.

That's all.


11 / 20Super Sleuth!
4 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
3 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 10Gotcha!
1 / 10I'm Batman.
over 11 years
Mis teed?
deletedover 12 years
D'awww dat +k :3 Returned!
over 12 years
+k'ed. return? <3
over 12 years
GG wren, nice logic, helped me hammer right for sure. That was well played by both of you, +K :)
over 12 years
Ugh, just lost 4 games in a row, only one of them was my fault :|
over 12 years
Sorry about the fail Hammer, your Greatest Awesome Lord.
over 12 years
100% on fool wins... the hell?
over 12 years
+k for being automaf ;) Really, stop going against nerds so much and i'll invite you to my family where nerds will conquer! Leave a message on my wall if you wanna join! :)