
in love with someone gone
part of  family



anonymousalmost 10 years
haha gay
And I'm also assuming that when you said 'gay' you meant the common slang misuse of the word which is a derogative term used to address something you dislike. So you dislike analysis and logic?


1 / 30Oxyclean
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!

Created Setups

over 9 years
+k to 31 :) return? ♥
deletedabout 10 years
about 11 years
Oh well, this shows a strong character. I don't have grudges against anyone, ever, and I expect the same from others, since this is virtual game on the internet that has no impact and relevance in anyone's life whatsoever, so people should count with that a bit too. Still thanks and I'd like to apologise for my aggressive behaviour too, sometimes I just get carried away.
about 11 years
Hey, there's my mate LoD in the game <3. Anyway, the point is that I see people being sure in graveyard and then pussy out and unsure in game, of course it happenes, it's natural, but I expect people to be intelligent enough to realise you are so sure because there are no consequences, but I don't want to drag this over for simple comment. I might've been wrong about you and if I was I'm sorry, but my point still stands, the majority of players who does that suffers from the same behavious I described in the beginning.
deletedabout 11 years
I'm WeWereKing
over 11 years
I remember that game that you have on your profile, my goodness was that difficult lol.
deletedover 11 years
I miss not running into you. =[
deletedover 11 years
I decided to disband our family since it was very inactive. Thanks for participating! :)
over 11 years
+k'd(: return? <3
over 11 years
63 people had negged me too, since I was at 7 karma before this happened haha
deletedalmost 12 years
i'm an anime gay boy.
deletedalmost 12 years
Loreli for second gold? Oh My.
almost 12 years
i is too scared for comp
almost 12 years
im a l w a y s in training lol
deletedalmost 12 years
That's a lot of hearts. >.< I couldn't even play all 20 hearts I had yesterday.
deletedalmost 12 years
Oh snap. You remember more of your accounts that I have seen you on than I remember which accounts I've seen you on. :o How is that possible for you to keep up?
deletedalmost 12 years
btw, accept the friend request on IsDragon, please. =] Do I really know about 6 accounts though? o.O
deletedalmost 12 years
No. I only need one more because I want to give Lightdiablo a Santa sticker that I've owned him since before my self delete on LadyVenus. =] Also, I deleted one alt, so I only have two accounts now.
deletedalmost 12 years
Yes. I don't know plenty of your accounts. TWO SANTA WINS! OMG. I need three more. :3
deletedalmost 12 years
/me stalks page.