i take that "OK" as yes, you are re-reading it and clicking all links in it; if you're being sarcastic with the smiley face, then this conversation is moot anyway
these are literally the only questions i need answered from you concerning that complaint
1. "how are you taking responsibility for moderators guilty of nepotism and biased selectivity in handling reports?"
2. "do you actually allow your team to self-absolve themselves of any faults by letting them handle appeals directly challenging their moderation?"
3. "do you deny the motives / intent / links i have established in the PM i sent you concerning moderator abuse?"
Hey Sims, what happened to you being cool? You seriously banned me for hateful comments to a gamethrowing hacker on Pinacolada's account?
Clearly you understand that Pinacolada was hacked, as you banned all of the accounts associated with Pinacolada with reason "hacked". Despite this, I guess you think that being mean and mildly swearing at a hacker is negative? Comeon Sims. That is absurd.