
married to 
part of  family

ImperialUnits is the best <3

  • Multi WoW Gladiator
  • Multi Hearthstone Legend
  • Reached Global Elite in CS:GO

"Cheated" in EpicMafia, an utterly skill-based game losing out on a trophy and getting banned due to a person that actually cheated, just because she had a vagoo. Great community and totally unbiased mods.

Special thanks to: Peta, Rednose/Clarkson/Kenso, abc & Riotkiller and many forgotten for making this place bearable. :)


over 11 years
Är du ute efter några kex? Är du ute efter några slynor?
Kex och blow pops, åt helvete med slynorna!
over 11 years
Did you buy some good wine so we could have a good time?
Of fucking course, chardonnay all day bby.
over 11 years
Those checks still bouncing like they did back in the day? Before you got that paper? Before you got paid?
almost 12 years
Have you bought the rings yet? Oh, and how did your day at the Convention Only For Super Fuckin' Hansome People go!?
Yus! 24 Carat gold baby, the conventation was alright, bit too many fan girls demanding autographs though, but I'm happy since I won the Looker of the Year award <3 PS eating the cookies you baked me right now, they're delicious <3
almost 12 years
Do your feet hurt? Because...YOU KNOW. Running...my mind...all day. That stuff.
Sure do :<, doubt it's from running that beautiful mind though, more likely due to us playing footsie all night yesterday at that fancy restaurant I took you to <3


20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
12 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 10I'm Batman.
3 / 15Knight Devout
deletedalmost 7 years
where'd this guy go??
deletedalmost 11 years
Welcome back
deletedabout 11 years
i lov u
deletedabout 11 years
awkward cuz dia is banned for being abc top lel
deletedabout 11 years
deletedabout 11 years
Happy birthday king.
deletedabout 11 years
General Jonas.
deletedover 11 years
Did you touch my rocks?
over 11 years
god bless you buddy
over 11 years
And stuff.
over 11 years
I cheated on you with Pierce. Also hit that before you did. SORRY NOT SORRY. <3 Anniversary, would be sorry about forgetting if it didn't violate the Commandments.
over 11 years
I wish I could be as beautiful as a Great Fairy so you'd love me more. Except I'm already fucking gorgeous so no I don't.
over 11 years
Lawl, I forgot myself.
over 11 years
Coolest person on EM hands down? I THINK SO.
over 11 years
Oh my God, so in love. I've been being a hateful bitch since you left. Always <3
almost 12 years
6/23/2013 Never forget.