
I'm alive. :3
Texas <3
in love with someone gone
part of  family
                                 My avi is for Tomzilla. RIP Tomzilla.

           I dont condone noavi hate crimes. We were all noavis once.

                                          I love Crawlingfish.




anonymousover 9 years
Everyone is zwinks bitch? Lol why all the blindly following and sending screenshots?
Stop obsessing over me. lol.
anonymousover 9 years she just goes on and on
There is no reason for Tmesis to be acting like this. I dont even know her. I've tried talking to her about it, and she just gets even more brash.
almost 10 years
hey mr anon zwink can say whatever she feels like its called freedom of speech if u have played correctly and not name called from what i saw on the report u wouldnt have a problem case closed stop harassing zwink
Nicely said. also thanks anon for bumping my profile views up by two hundred today.
anonymousalmost 10 years
EVERYONE WHO WORSHIPS YOU IS AN IDIOT! You aren't who you used to be. You piss people off now. A lot of people. Do you see how all of your reports are being down voted? Any statements you make! Get off EpicMafia!
lol, take your profile visibility off.
anonymousalmost 10 years
The lackeys continue to be your bitches, because they can't stop kissing your ass.
Lol, take your profile visibility off, and is that honestly suppose to be an insult?


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20He's Batman
10 / 10Scumhunter
almost 10 years
+k :) :)
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
i'll have to bus you eventually jk
almost 10 years
Done with finals for the quarter, spring break has started, and I need something to do when March Madness isn't on. Let's thrash some trash (tier).
almost 10 years
+K because I think you are the best player on this website (and Antidote ofc)
almost 10 years
You just single handed made the survivor lobby explode
almost 10 years
Hi! I'm sorry if you have any animosity for our lobby, but we anticipate your return, and I think you're great!
almost 10 years
hi <3
about 10 years
;) hi
about 10 years
wish i could give u a kudo and i will be giving u a karma just becuase ur cool :)
about 10 years
Zwinkkkkk!!! I've been wanting to play with you but it never seems like your on, except those moments when I try to join your game and it gets full lol
deletedabout 10 years
love you too wifey <3
about 10 years
hehe. 69. lol.
about 10 years
One away from +69K *snickers*
about 10 years
<3 5char
deletedabout 10 years
Happy birthday!
deletedabout 10 years
im not a noavi, dear.
deletedabout 10 years
hihihi ^__^