


:( its pretty clear the average skill base of EM has only continued to decline.

I do not play with the following players:

  • BlackGuy
  • boi159
about 13 years
F U if you log on again let me know D:
about 13 years
neg for retarded
deletedover 13 years
the double "f"s in your name must stand for fucking noob lmfbo
over 13 years
neg for retarded
over 13 years
+K, you played well :)
about 14 years
Btw, nice argument about my trophies there.... lol. Seems to work.
about 14 years
I guess you're really good at this game.
about 14 years
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you do realize how scummy you and Joanne were being, right?

Please, think before acting like a retard.
over 14 years
over 14 years
The black girl in the music vid is far more lovely than I. But thanks for the compliment buddy!
over 14 years
i dun want a place to stay, get yo booty on the floor tonight, make my day! i dun wan a place to stay, get yo booty on da flo tonite make my day. make my day make my make my make my day
over 14 years
You smell like soot and poo.
over 14 years
2k for u plz return
over 14 years
over 14 years
I plus k'd you because I had four games with retarded people in a row and I wanted to k someone who doesn't suck. I thought of you <3
over 14 years
hi i have paid you some k's + +
deletedover 14 years
Yo just so you know lucid gave you 1 hour time frame to delete the ran thread.
over 14 years
LOL. Maybe one daaay. maybee. :]
deletedover 14 years
I negged, +k me plz.