
married to 
part of  family

06/15/2010 RIP Greatest mom ever.

Only Alts: Fantastic Paradox Extravagance grass

over 14 years
I would give you more +K for that game also if i could. ;3
over 14 years
+K for cop win
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
Might as well +k this one, too.
over 14 years
Not your fault; will return K when possible.
over 14 years
Have some +k for that beautiful scumhunting.
over 14 years
Haha yeah, I was hoping the wifom would throw you off. Thanks, and good game :3
over 14 years
thanks ;) you too!
over 14 years
You play a hell of a game.
over 14 years
yes :) still extravagant?
deletedover 14 years
I'll be on a bit in the next few days, but then after that I'll be gone for another 2 months.
over 14 years
hahah um
over 14 years
nice lol
deletedover 14 years
You're back!?!!
deletedover 14 years
+k Frosty! Please Return!
over 14 years
Hey! I still play occasionally.
deletedover 14 years
poor poor win % it be dropping
over 14 years
Good work hun. You absolutely deserved that win. I did figure out your playstyle, though. It's very similar to Kennedy's. Good game.
deletedover 14 years
good game, always get a little nervous when a player figures out my mafia team.
deletedover 14 years
these new users are killin dat win %