
AKA End.
Iowa, United States
in love with someone gone
part of  family

Ever feel like you have made it somewhere in life?




over 9 years
R u ok? There's a lot of heavy breathing going on in this section.
I'm not sure...Please halp
anonymousover 9 years
wowowoo I posted the first one, someone else is stalking bad seed
anonymousover 9 years
are you a sexy boy? ...*heavy breathing*
Damn right I am.
anonymousover 9 years
*heavy breathing* want 2 fuck?
Meet me in room 440964
anonymousover 9 years
are you a hot girl? ...*heavy breathing*
Jesus. I can hear it all the way over here


14 / 20Super Sleuth!
9 / 10Death Row
7 / 20Do No Harm
5 / 20Clint Eastwood
2 / 20He's Batman
over 9 years

Sorry for not doing it earlier. LoL I +KillingBadgered your alt.
over 9 years
Yourrrr soull~~~~
over 9 years
deletedover 9 years
Damn, you're handsome, intelligent, sexy and dayuuum. Have a +k
over 9 years
and you can have some back lol
over 9 years
Ur a butt
over 9 years
+karma 23
over 9 years
We can just share KB ;)
over 9 years
Hopefully I will stay alive this time :d
over 9 years
I'm alive :3
over 9 years
+k out of respect for an ex-member to our family and to be a good example to my children
over 9 years
O hey, you stole my blue wood planks. >:(
deletedover 9 years
+k even tho ur a traitor to our family
over 9 years
+k and lmaooo that yoshisword screenshot on your prof
over 9 years
+k because 50th friend <3
over 9 years
Mafia sticker bc u suck at being mafia
over 9 years
+K bc you're the badseed.
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
Why should I back off? :)
almost 10 years
i dont remember stalking you :P musta been a misclick