
The Island from Lost.

I am Kennedy's secret alt.


1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
about 14 years
Hit me up with an email/MSN or something. I must discuss something.
about 14 years
Ohai! +K for epic whoring.
about 14 years
+K good player.
about 14 years
+k for survivor win because dRONE was a bitch and u had to go lol
about 14 years
It's all good, I realized what happened after the game. You got really unlucky on the fake cop claim though... :p
deletedabout 14 years
+k for selling yourself for 7 bucks
about 14 years
+k because I want to see how much karma I can get doing this!
about 14 years
I didnt go on the offensive.. that was you! and yes neg bombing shows how mature you really are! Get over it and grow up!
about 14 years
-k for your attempt of -k me. I was not the only person in that game that thought that you were cheating.. you going to -k them too??? and if you saw it from the GY you would think the same too. I am entitled to my opinion about that game.. you only acting like a child by -k the one person who said it makes you look less innocent. I didnt report the game but could of... try growing up a bit.
deletedabout 14 years
You can still win if it turns out medlin is cheating. Go kennedy go!
about 14 years
You suck at this game. Get a life. Stop playing. No one likes you. You should have negative karma. I negged you. You cheat with frie- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.
about 14 years
I'd ask you to remind me to rape you with a knife, but I figure the fact that you're never going to win a trophy will be penalty enough.
about 14 years
about 14 years
Lately I have been having some serious problems with my internet connection so sorry for lagging out there that last game, buddy!
about 14 years
+Dub karma you're a pretty good player :)
deletedabout 14 years
Do you need me to cheerlead for you?
deletedabout 14 years
I need you to win because I don't like most of the other frontrunners k?
about 14 years
Confirmed troll alt of Gary Oak +ked
deletedabout 14 years
A great player that for some reason I don't have +K'ed yet, so here you go. Excellent town scumhunter <3
deletedover 14 years
im getting a warning anyway