
The Island from Lost.

I am Kennedy's secret alt.


1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
deletedover 13 years
Hey, my msn is [email protected] in case you didn't see it. nice playing with you regardless.
almost 14 years
I was a cop, screw you >:(
almost 14 years
-K for suiciding, godamn
almost 14 years
my bad on that game, honest mistake
almost 14 years
Not true. A remarkably small number care, that I'll grant you, but I'm among them.
almost 14 years
He was going to veg, but his vegging made it lylo, which is why we needed to lynch and not nl
almost 14 years
see, i would +k but it seems i already have, from a survivor game or something .anyways, great game ^_^
almost 14 years
+K for an awesome game
almost 14 years
so, you do realize that, had they not decided to sui, maf would've killed at night and ended the game right there, right?
almost 14 years
good game but going to have to say your logic was a bit flawed (ignoring the troll as possible maf)
+kd tho, very persuasive~
deletedalmost 14 years
almost 14 years
+K for you, my friend
almost 14 years
I would +k you if I could.
almost 14 years
+k for epic survivor
almost 14 years
I had to go, but if falcon is in till the end, get that double crossing fag
deletedalmost 14 years
Lol I had you negged from a while back. so plus bomb
almost 14 years
+k for epic win
deletedalmost 14 years
+k! Please Return!
deletedalmost 14 years
you kept joining games lol, so i went to play LoL lol.
deletedalmost 14 years
There were 7 people voting 3 different people. Katie had a vote on for sooner, everyone else was split between katie and me. When the kick went through it didn't matter who town voted for because at that point we were able to force the NL if both myself and hannem voted katie.