
A house

I do admit to being mafia when there is no way I am going to win. So if I am unclear in a game where maf keeps nking for 10 days, I am never. ever. the mafia.

PS. if you are going to neg me, don't be a little bitch and not tell me why. I am amnesiac in an auto town win situation. Not wanting to take mafia, I ask if there's any way I can take a town role. BPs argue over which of them could be sacced so I could take BP and get my 65 points. Awesome game.

And you know I'm guised when I stop talking a lot. Or you can ask me about any breed of dog really. Weird thing to say, but I work with dogs :P

HIGHLIGHTS: -hit 5k on 7/22/10

over 13 years
Get a ticket, and then you're not in the training lobby.
almost 14 years
+k <3
almost 14 years
2k'd plus you back :D
almost 14 years
You don't know me.
You don't know me at all.

With Love,
Regina Spektor.
almost 14 years
Thanks for that +K, I'd give you some K too, but unfortunately I can't. So consider that message as a reward including a lot of love, respect and thanksfulliness :D
Have a great day
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
+ k dude that was awesome. You pwned me so good! XxxX
about 14 years
It's rare, but I'm plussing you for beating me so well.I should have been suspicious of the buddying, but you were SO towny. First time in a while I haven't left a loss feeling mad about a failtown or something. I'll delete your comment from my wall if you don't want people to know who you are.
about 14 years
You too! +k
about 14 years
Danke! LOL This is why we lynch no avvies first <.<
about 14 years
you put the epic in epicmafia;D +k
about 14 years
Benfold is a great artist. Just saw you and wanted to say Awesome.
deletedabout 14 years
And just to prove it, I'll neg you now :)
deletedabout 14 years
1, I have two other accounts, not 4. 2, you can see very clearly that I don't have the points to neg anyone on this account. 3, you are the only person in that game that I feel is worth negging. 4, I have been in games nonstop since that game, and haven't even had the chance to switch out to my other accounts to have the pleasure of negging you :)
about 14 years
+k'd for the same reason.
deletedabout 14 years
Dude, I joined a new game immediately when I left that one, and I don't have the points to neg you on this account. Oh, and I'd like to point out that I already have you negged on my main and only have one other account, so you can kindly shut the fuck up and think before you speak now :)
about 14 years
+k for thanks
about 14 years
+2k for you!!
deletedabout 14 years
I love "One Angry Dwarf"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
deletedabout 14 years
+k again ;)