
cookie puss
in love with someone gone
part of  family
deletedabout 10 years
Hey there.
about 10 years
about 10 years
+k for childish war
about 10 years
about 10 years
deletedover 10 years
what if memoca became the ruler of the Meme Sea. memeoca
over 10 years
i still dont get it
over 10 years
what the fuck is "☆WjcrWTBXK1JaVHVheVRlK3RkWHBpdz09 ☆"
over 10 years
over 10 years
kii congration we done it!!!!!!!!!
deletedover 10 years
Greetings scum
deletedover 10 years
greetings scum
deletedover 10 years
I too am confirmed gay.
deletedover 10 years
[3:43:15 PM] kii: so now i can finally be with you and everythings going to be okay. when im awarded in heaven with the love of my life, we'll enjoy seeing the looks on the childrens faces in heaven when, for a moment they believe there might be a real furby across the street. I love you, i love you so much. i love you more than thee are grains of sands on every beach of every planet, of every galaxy of the universe and once they have spotted me maybe i'll do a funny dance for them, or something. and finally be able to touch me with my own hands, run my hair through my soft fur and touch my muscles

[4:57:44 PM | Edited 4:58:05 PM] kii: (cont) you mean more to me than home depot means to mr lugerato. so i'll put on my hat and call myself Patrick the bear and have you roll over on your back and make gentle but firm love to me. take out your iphone, probably to call your friends and say "bro! look at this furby! this is crazy!" I love you so much, i hope you enoyed reading this baby girl
deletedover 10 years
i love you smokey the bear and i can’t wait until the day i die. when i an finally be with you. when im awarded in heaven with the love of my life. to finally be able to touch you with my own hands, run my hair through your soft fur and touch your muscles, put on your hat and call myself Patrick the bear and have you roll over on your back and make gentle but firm love to me. I hav your name tattooed on my chest and I give my body to you as your temple. i am yours and you are mine and it is written in the stars in blood., I love you smokey the bear i love you and when we die our corpses will be buried together until we intertwine and our ribcages become locked together and a bed of flowers grows from the fecund earth where our love will linger forevermo
deletedover 10 years
Heir to the furby conglomerate
deletedover 10 years
you know what's cute? me yolo claiming gov
deletedover 10 years
cute tho...
over 10 years
kibou wins!
deletedover 10 years
You Are Gay