

The Artist Formerly Known As Jewson.

I don't do mech tests, and I almost never do stupid Asian stereotypes (people tend to do that when they guise as me).

Guisetests: - Ask me to type in Chinese - Ask me about Taiwan/Hong Kong - Ask me about LoL - Ask me about TV shows (Scrubs/HIMYM/Dexter/Community/Southpark/GoT/Entourage/Breaking Bad) - Ask about my Alts, they're easy to find. - Talk to me about the NBA, favorite team is the Houston Rockets.

If I fail to answer any of those quickly I'm most definitely guised, unless I was afk and wasn't paying attention (Which is where you ask me more questions).

勾勾手 蓋手印 這一刻有約定 大家永遠是好朋友 HOMIE G.



10 / 10Scumhunter
17 / 20Super Sleuth!
6 / 25Eye of the Beholder
3 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 25Explosion!
deletedover 14 years
Relationship Status: Engaged to Piecelover NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL
over 14 years
well. tbh i dont think us talking on msn is a good thing. ur just gonna fall in love with me and the jealousy will driv u mad
over 14 years
what's wrong with that?
deletedover 14 years
But I neeeed~ to! It's either Bronze or nothing, there is no in-between! Anyway, good luck (but not too much good luck, so I can stay ahead)! :D
over 14 years
+k for that lobby post, winning is fun.
over 14 years
Why sad face? Be happy! We've found love!
deletedover 14 years
Thank you very much, I'll do my best ;)
over 14 years
gomen. :(
over 14 years
+k friend.
over 14 years
soz boo, I love my avatar right now. It's awesome.
over 14 years
i like your profile ;)
over 14 years
it's just a blog site. it's actually really dumb, but I do like using it to find awesome pictures. also, i hope you don't mind my avatar. it matches with aceofspadez, who is another version of me :]
over 14 years
Well my tumblr is mostly me posting random pictures of cute/funny things I found online XD
over 14 years
I hardly even use fb anymore. It's getting old. I have a tumblr though :)
over 14 years
lol. END TO JAPANESE! XDDDDD. and who needs fb when there is EM?
over 14 years
subarashiiii!!! DAISUKI WATASHI NO KOIBITO <3 (icantranslateifneedbelol)
over 14 years
over 14 years
aishiteru mo!! kekkonshimasenka?
over 14 years
my full name in razer ? JDMR
over 14 years
initials of what ?